
Project Learning: The Green Schools of Indonesia

At long last, our friend Ms. Yasuyo was able to return to Sui from her exploration trip abroad and shared the details of her journey. With pictures, a map, and a lot of storytelling, she shared with the kindergarten how the “green schools” in Indonesia and Singapore rely heavily on natural materials in the environment, such as banana and bamboo trees. She also shared the details of school buildings, beds, and even bathrooms—all made from banana and bamboo materials!
Later, Minori was able to give us a retelling of Ms. Yasuyo’s trip. “Ms. Yasuyo go on the airplane, so many times. She go again, and again. She go to Singapore and Indonesia. She see there, big school. So many trees is like bamboo, and banana. They make toilet, like this one only pee. This one only poo-poo. It’s bamboo! That school, it’s not like here (pointing to the walls, ceiling, etc.). It’s everything bamboo.”
At home: Can you imagine if your house was made of bamboo and banana leaves? Try and explore major differences between our lifestyle, and that of other countries.