
Kindergarten project learning

Project Learning: Observing Tomato Seeds

Tuesday, September 6th
Our kindergarten class truly loves plants and nature–this week we planted dry seeds of a cherry tomato, and also planted fresh cherry tomatoes in the soil. We mixed our homemade compost into the soil, hoping that it will help the tomatoes grow fast and strong. The students made a prediction: which will grow first, the dry seeds or the fresh seeds? About 7 students think the dry seeds will grow first, and about 10 students think the fresh seeds will grow first. Teachers made predictions, too




Tuesday, September 13th

It has been 7 days–one week–since we planted our dry and fresh tomato seeds. The class could think about their predictions from last week, because as it turns out: the dry tomato seeds had already sprouted!
We counted about 30 sprouts with Mayuka’s help. The class then observed the two planters and drew their observations on a worksheet!