
Germy Bread   Kinderクラス

床を触った手や、おトイレから帰ってきた時に洗わなかった手、きれいにごしごし洗った手、どの手も見た目に変わりはないけれど、色々な手でパンを触ったらどうなっていくのかな・・・・皆で、案を出し合いました。そして実験です! 1週間後、パンはどうなっているのかな。

It’s a hygiene learning this week, as an introduction, talk about how important it is to wash our hands and keep them clean.
Prepare bread and zip lock bags. We’ll prepare two kinds of bread and put them in separate ziplocks;
1) Clean bread 2) Germy bread

1) To prepare clean bread, have them touch it after washing hands with soap
2) To make germy bread, have them touch it without washing hands!
After that, put the breads in ziplock bags and keep it for next 2-3 weeks. Have them think and predict what is going to happen!